MSc in Human Resource Management

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    9 Months



    What makes our business school different?

    We are a world class business school located in the heart of UAE. Known to offer accredited distance learning courses of UK. We are one of the fastest growing business schools in Middle East with a stylish blended learning model that includes both online degree programs and on campus.

    Course description

    This top up MSc in Human Resource Management is to be awarded by University of Gloucestershire, UK. This program is conducted via online mode. It is designed to help you apply your learning in ways that are meaningful for you today and tomorrow.

    The objective of the MSc in Human Resource Management qualification is to provide learners with the skills and understanding in Human Resource Management (HRM) that align with good strategic decision making to maintain organisations’ competitive advantage.

    Learners acquire knowledge through an integrated approach of theory in human resource management and practice using real-time activities. Successful completion of this qualification will develop learners’ strategic human resource management and leadership skills and their ability to focus on the requirements of implementing an organisation’s strategy.

    Course Content
    Course Structure

    There are two phases to the course: Level 7 and MSc Top Up. Level 7 holds 6 study subjects, and the top-up MSc holds a dissertation of 15,000 words followed by a proposal and a reflective paper of 1,500 words each.

    Students who successfully complete the 6 subjects will be awarded either with the OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Human Resource Management (120 credits) qualification or the Qualifi Level 7 Diploma in Human Resource Management (120 credits) qualification while proceeding to the MSc (60 credits) (top up) award by the University of Gloucestershire. Students can choose between OTHM and Qualifi from where they will complete level 7.

    PHASE I- Study subjects
    Under OTHM
    • Strategic Human Resource Management
    • Engagement of Employees and Organisational Learning
    • Leadership Development and Performance Management
    • Global Resourcing, Talent and Reward Management
    • Managing Employment Relations and Employment Law
    • Business Research Methods
    Under Qualifi
    • Contemporary HRM
    • Leading, Managing and HR Development
    • Resourcing, Talent Management and Development
    • Performance Management
    • Employee Relations
    • Investigating a Business Issue from an HR Perspective

    *Students can select either OTHM or Qualifi to do their phase I (Level 7) upon discussion with KIMT.

    PHASE II- MSc top up

    Top up your current Postgraduate in 6 months with a Master of Science (MSc) from the University of Gloucestershire, UK.
    The MSc (top-up) program is designed to enable postgraduate diploma holder to achieve an Accredited MSc qualification in up to 6 months, so it is a lateral entry to new opportunities and enhanced career prospects. The course is structured to enhance the student’s analytical skills towards business and organizational issues and tackle them with a holistic approach.
    This program aims to develop a student’s ability to think strategically, recognize potential business opportunities and manage change more effectively.

    What you will study
    • Research proposal
    • Dissertation
    • Reflective papers

    First, students will prepare a research proposal of 1,500 words and will prepare a dissertation of 15,000 words. After completing the dissertation, student will end up submitting a reflective paper of 1,500 words

    Entry requirements
    • Must have Bachelor or equivalent diploma.
    • Mature learners (over 21) with management experience (learners must check with the delivery centre regarding this experience prior to registering for the programme)

    Overall programmes could be completed in one academic year or may be studied part-time over two terms.

    Awarding institution

    Awarded by University of Gloucestershire, UK and delivered by KIMT.


    All subjects within this program are internally assessed by KIMT and external quality will be assured by OTHM/Qualifi.

    Programme modality

    The MSc in Accounting & Finance is studied 100% online through the virtual learning platform with tutor support.

    You will receive excellent support from the academic team, including your programme manager and your supervisor who will be with you every step of the way.


    For applicable tuitions, please, contact with the KIMT admission authority. Tuitions are due in full with enrolment for the complete programme.

    Study language

    The programme is conducted in English proficiency is required for the programme.

    Student Support

    The programme is administered and provided by the KIMT. Students are eligible for International Programmes student support regarding tutoring and assistance in the programme.