BA (Hon’s) in Business Management

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    What makes our business school different?

    We are a world class business school located in the heart of UAE. Known to offer accredited distance learning courses of UK. We are one of the fastest growing business schools in Middle East with a stylish blended learning model that includes both online degree programs and on campus.

    Course Description

    Chichester’s BA (Hons) Business management top up degree is the perfect choice if you have previously completed a A Level/HSC or any foundation degree. Chichester’s BA Hon’s Learning course will enable you to achieve a full Undergraduate Honours Degree in business.
    As part of Chichester’s School of Business and Management, this course is delivered exclusively online through our Distance Learning programme. This BA degree will develop your management skills while exploring the internal and external business environment, and can be studied at a time and place to suit you. You’ll learn strategic management skills and gain an in-depth understanding of the different business functions – giving you excellent grounding to thrive in your future career.

    This degree aims to:

    • provide a coherent, broad based programme of study of business organisations and their management within the context of a changing external environment;
    • develop self-aware, reflective students who take responsibility for their own learning and demonstrate a responsibility to fellow learners;
    • develop a range of intellectual and practical skills that will enable graduates to add-value within the workplace;
    • provide assessment and project-based tasks that allows students to apply knowledge and skills appropriately within an authentic context;
    • provide the educational foundation that is relevant to further study and life-long learning;
    • create a learning environment where professional standards are expected, but at the same time recognises that learning is challenging, and appropriate support is provided both by staff and fellow learners for career development.
    Course Content

    Course structure

    You take a combination of compulsory and option modules to a total of 360 credits. The first stage introduces you to the essential concepts and methods of Business and Management study, while the following two stages build on that knowledge and allow you to study core subjects in depth.

    • In Stage I, you take six compulsory 20-credit modules, to a total of 120 credits which leads you to awarded with OTHM level 4 diploma in Business Management
    • In Stage II, you take six compulsory 20-credit modules, to a total of 120 credits which leads you to awarded with OTHM level 5 diploma in Business Management.
    • In Stage III (final year), you take final six compulsory modules worth 120 credits which will award you BA (Hon’s) top up in Business under University of Chichester.
    No. of Courses Module Credit
    Stage I
    1 Research and Academic Writing (20 credits)
    2 Business Environment (20 credits)
    3 Introduction to Business Communication (20 credits)
    4 Introduction to Quantitative Methods (20 credits)
    5 Introduction to Business Functions (20 credits)
    6 Introduction to Finance (20 credits)
    (Will be awarded with the OTHM Diploma Level 4 certificate)
    (120 credits)
    No. of Courses Module Credit
    Stage II
    7 Human Resource Management (20 credits)
    8 Project Management (20 credits)
    9 Strategic Marketing (20 credits)
    10 Accounting for Managers (20 credits)
    11 Business Law (20 credits)
    12 Business Ethics (20 credits)
    (Will be awarded with the OTHM Diploma Level 5 certificate)
    (120 credits)
    No. of Courses Module Credit
    Stage III
    13 International Business (20 credits)
    14 Business Communications (20 credits)
    15 Business Strategy (20 credits)
    16 New Venture Management and Development (20 credits)
    17 Leadership and Management Development (20 credits)
    18 Business and Management Research (20 credits)
    (Will be awarded with the BA Hon’s top up certificate)
    (120 credits)
    Total (360 credits)
    Entry requirements

    For entry onto the BA Hon’s in Tourism and Hospitality Management qualification, learners must possess:

    • Relevant NQF/QCF/RQF Level 3 Award/Diploma or at the level of GCE/GCSE or equivalent qualification
    • Mature learners (over 21) with management experience (learners must check with the delivery centre regarding this experience prior to registering for the programme)
    • Learner must be 18 years or older at the beginning of the course
    Assessment and verification

    All units within this qualification are internally assessed by KIMT and externally verified by OTHM along with University of Chichester. The qualifications are criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes.
    To achieve a ‘pass’ for a unit, learners must provide evidence to demonstrate that they have fulfilled all the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by all assessment criteria. Judgement that the learners have successfully fulfilled the assessment criteria is made by the Assessor.
    The Assessor should provide an audit trail showing how the judgement of the learners’ overall achievement has been arrived at.

    Study Method

    The BA (Hons) in Business Management degree is studied 100% online through the learning platform with tutor support. London graduate school will provide all kinds of teaching supports and guide you to achieve the degree in effective way. You will benefit from

    • Online teaching in small groups which is central to the delivery of the programme.
    • The ability to study 24/7 at your own pace and times convenient to you. KIMT will provide 24/7 academic support.
    • Emphasis on a supportive environment that enables you to master the challenge of Level 6 study.
    • Professional focus to the programme underpinned by an innovative, practice-based assessment.
    Delivery Institution

    This program is delivered by London Graduate School and awarded by University of Chichester, UK.


    36 months or less